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人教版小学三年级英语课文【At the zoo】教学案

来源:学大教育 时间:2017-12-22 12:13:14

教案是小学英语老师教学的重要参照,在学习英语课文之前阅读老师制定的教案可以帮助大家掌握重点内容,下面学大教育网为大家带来人教版小学三年级英语课文【At the zoo】教学案,希望小学学生能够认真阅读。


学生在本单元前一、二、课时已经学习过形容词thin,fat, short, tall以及句型It’s …在第四课时会话课的时候,学习了句型It has…在语境下整体感知了long, short,big , small的音和义,所以这节课重点学习单词的音、型、义、用。

三一班的学生活泼好动,爱听爱说,善于模仿,乐于参加表演,在上对话课或是阅读课时他们会很兴奋,因为可以让他们充分动起来,但是在词汇课的时候,一部分同学就会显得无精打采。于是在设计这堂课时,我尽可能让课堂变得有趣起来,在操练环节多采用听、说、游戏的方式,让学生能动起来,充分参与到课堂中来。为了让呈现部分更有趣更直观一点,我设计了一个大鸵鸟,用鸵鸟的几个部位引出几个形容词单词, 呈现完所有单词后让学生把大鸵鸟拼一拼,然后直接引出课文…… 然后在操练部分还可以继续利用鸵鸟让孩子们可以完成匹配和听音标号活动。



1. 知识目标和能力目标:

(1)能听、说、读、写单词:big, small, long, short;(写视单词难度而定)


2. 情感目标:



1. 教学重点:

单词big, small, long, short的音、形、义、用;

能听懂会说句型It has …,区别使用It’s…和It has …。

2. 教学难点:


单词small 中[ l ] 的发音,舌头要上卷.

Short 的两种意思。


本节课我主要采用了任务型教学法,以make a ostrich为主线任务,引出形容词,操练形容词和句子。同时在和黄老师商量之后,我们提前布置了让孩子们带上自己动物玩偶,让孩子们在巩固扩展环节能够运用所说句子和单词说一说动物。激发他们的兴趣,让他们有兴趣地说,有信心地说。



Step: warm up---Presentation---Practice ----consolidation-----summary and evaluation:

首先在warm up 热身环节,我进行了listen and guess的游戏,老师描述动物的外貌特征,孩子们猜动物。主要是为了激活孩子已有知识,激发学习兴趣,为接下来的语言学习做铺垫。


在Practice操练部分,我通过listen and number, look and match, look and say, let’s do几个环节操练单词的音型义用。

在consolidation and extension巩固拓展部分,我主要是让孩子用所学句型来描述自己的动物玩偶,或者是PPT上的动物,然后扩展到对人的描述,运用到She/he has…这个句型。然后再进行一个写的练习。

在summary and evaluation部分我会对本节课星星最多的小组进行表扬及奖励。


1. Warm-up:(5mins)


(2)let’s do.

播放A部分let’s do let’s do 动画,师生跟着一起做。

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

S: Good morning, Miss Yang.

T: Before the class, please stand up and let’s do!

(设计意图:通过let’s do激活孩子们的已有的形容词单词,调整课堂气氛,为接下来的语言学习做铺垫)

(3)listen and guess


T: Boys and girls,here come some animals, let’s guess, what animal is it?

Listen carefully. It is big; it has two big ears and a long nose. What is it?

S: Elephant

T: Great! NO.2, It is short, it has two red eyes, it has two long ears and a short tail, what is it.

S: It’s a rabbit!

T: Good! NO.3. It is tall and it has a log neck, what is it?

S: It’s a giraffe!

(设计意图:通过有趣的游戏激发学生兴趣,引出let’s learn 中的动物,为接下来的语言学习做铺垫。)

2. Presentation:(15 mins)

(1)Let’s guess


T: How big of you, you can say many about animals, Boys and girls,I have some pictures here, they are some parts of an animal. Let’s find out what animal is it, ok?

Look! It has a body. It has a big body. Look at the pig, it’s big. It has a big body too.

Read after me, big, big…. (带读单词)

Follow me, big, big, big, make your eyes big. (引导学生做动作,之后每一个单词都引导学生做出TPR动作)How to spell big? Show me your finger, let’s try. ( 贴四线格,板书) (表扬做笔记的同学)


T: Look, it has a big body? And a …head. So we can say:“It has a small head.”

(课件呈现:all—mall ---small,读all 时,老师利用手势往上卷,提醒同学们要舌头卷一下)

Read after me, small. Small, small. Follow me, small, small, small, make your eyes small…

How to spell small? Show me your finger, let’s try. ( 贴四线格,板书)


T: It has a big body, a small head, and …two legs. ( 引导学生说出leg) so we can say …It has long legs.

Read after me: read after me, long, long, long. (Song)

Follow me, long, long, long, make your arms long.

Let’s spell long! ( 贴四线格,板书)


T: It has a big body, it has a small head, it has long legs. And, what is this, tail. Is it long? It‘s short. So we can say ….(找学生回答). It has a short tail


Follow me, short, short, short. Make your arms short.

Let’s spell short! ( 贴四线格,板书)


T: Look, what is this? A neck, long or short?So we can say….

T: Now, boys and girls, do you know what animal is it?

Yes, it’s an ostrich. It has a small head and a long neck. Ok, who can help me to make an ostrich?



T: Thank you, boys and girls, look at the picture, who are they? Where are they? They are in the zoo. How do you know?What are they doing? They are talking about the ostrich. What will they say? Open your book and turn to page 28. Listen and follow. the tape.

3. Practice(10mins)

(1)look at my mouth (音的操练与纠正)


T: Now, look at my mouth and guess what I say.

(2) Listen and number. (音、型、义训练)

听录音给Let’s learn 部分的单词标号,然后读单词

T: Listen, and number the words you have heard. Are you ready? 12 go!

(3)let’s find


T: Boys and girls, look, can you find some words? Finish your small card I will give you two minutes, quickly.

(4)Let’s do.




T: Boys and girls, stand up, let’s do.

(设计意图: TPR节奏欢快,备受学生欢迎,学生在说说、做做中操练巩固新知。)

(5)let’s match (词义匹配活动)



4. Consolidation:

(1) look and say (词的运用)



(2)Talk about the other animals.


T: boys and girls, look, there are many animals in the zoo. Can you say some about the animals?

Talk about your animals!


T: There are many animals in the zoo, there are many animals in our classroom too, show me your animals, (教师示范:I have a…)now,group work, share your animals with your group member.

5. Evaluation:



学大教育网为大家带来了人教版小学三年级英语课文【At the zoo】教学案,希望大家能掌握利用英语教案的学习方法,想要阅读更多的小学英语教案请登录学大教育网查阅。
